
The key to unlock the true potential of a child – Plato Robotics.
Book a free hour of Robotics at the largest Robotics center in Dubai & Sharjah


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Plato Robotics

Robotics for Future

Model Reality | Design | Conduct Investigations

Coding for Future

Logic | Learning | Developing

Engineering for Future

Hands-on | Futuristic | Engineering

Robo Champs

Model Reality | Design | Conduct Investigations

Junior Coder

Logic | Learning | Developing

Junior Engineer

Hands-on | Futuristic | Engineering

Plato Robotics Junior Program (Ages 6-9)

Level 1: Robo Champs

Introduction to Mechanical Construction


LEGO WeDo introduces students to building, programming and modifying Robotics projects.

STEAM learning tool Spike Essential helps elementary students to spark an interest and understanding in STEAM subjects.


Students will utilize intuitive icon-based programming and data logging software in this set.

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Level 2: Junior Coder

Be tomorrow's coding expert

Screen less Coding Activities:

Children need to learn giving instructions and their effects on machines before they can get into coding, hence our screen less coding robots are a perfect starting point.

Logic & Critical Thinking Games:

Online and offline puzzles, and games that push the child to make critical decisions will be simulated in sessions with step-by-step guidance from our trainers.

Scratch & Tynker Programming:

Children can use Scratch to convert their imagination to reality in the form of games & animations.

Drone Programming:

STEM based learning to spark curiosity of the child and make them create simulation based drones using block based programming.

Level 3: Junior Engineer

Let's Start Engineering

Snap Circuits:

Teach electronics to students with solder less snap-together electronic components, where they will actually build circuits with the trainer's assistance.

Little Bits & Micro Bits:

Little bits & micro: bits tool boxes will be used by students to invent new projects in electronics, empowering students to design and build using their own creativity.


Introducing kids to cutting edge technology will engage them with the trends of the future so that they can work in these immensely growing fields.

3D Design & 3D Pen:

Children can creatively create items for daily use or their own models from scratch, and learn the interaction of item creation with 3D tools.

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Plato Robotics Senior Program (Ages 9-14)

Level 1: Robo Champs

Introduction to Mechanical Construction


LEGO WeDo introduces students to building, programming and modifying Robotics projects.


LEGO WeDo introduces students to building, programming and modifying Robotics projects.

LEGO Spike Essential:

STEAM learning tool Spike Essential helps elementary students to spark an interest and understanding in STEAM subjects.


Students will utilize intuitive icon-based programming and data logging software in this set.

Level 2: Coding for Future

Be tomorrow's coding expert

Scratch & Tynker Programming:

Built by MIT, Scratch programming languages offer block coding programs, which helps familiarise students with coding before they can move to advanced courses like Python.


Python is used to develop software, apps, and holistically is more viable than programming languages like JAVAScript and CSS. It's easy to read and mimics human language.

Drone Programming:

STEM based learning to spark curiosity of the child and make them have hands-on experience with drones.


Programming with Minecraft allows children to explore problem solving and logical thinking in a stimulating environment.

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Level 3: Engineering for Future

Let's Start Engineering

Snap Circuits:

It's easy to understand what's going on in the circuit with snap and students get hands-on experience in electronics.

Little bits & micro: bits:

Little bits & micro: bits tool boxes will be used by students to invent new projects in electronics, empowering students to design and build using their own creativity.

Arduino & micro: bits:

Through programming Arduino & micro: bits, students learn how to program, to control the way buttons, switches, lights and other circuit components.

loT, VR & 3D Printing:

Introducing kids to cutting edge technology will engage them with the trends of the future so that they can work in these immensely growing fields.